40 Day Health Challenge

About 40DHC

Dedicate 40 days to improve your health by Eating Well, Moving More and Improving your Mental Well Being.

Created by trusted experts each of the 40 days has a meal, exercise and mental health plan. This is a challenge and it will take you out of their comfort zone but for a very good cause…your long-term health.


Coru Registered Dietician Sophie Pratt has a food plan focused on improving your diet. Eat to be healthy and you can set your goal to lose, maintain or gain weight.


Movement and exercise are so important for your long-term health. Using the guidelines set by DCU School of Health and Human Performance for upper and lower body strength, balance and cardiovascular health, fitness expert Karl Henry has a plan that will bring everybody towards those fitness targets that are set for age and gender. Meeting the guidelines is a great way to improve your life now and your health into the future. 

(See minimum fitness guidelines for age and gender here)


Clinical Phycologist Dr. Eddie will inviting us to improve our mental well-being. Showing us ways to connect with ourselves and the people around us with daily tips.
GP Dr. Sumi will be challenging us to get on top of the things we tend to ignore or put off. Check out her weekly GP Tips over the 40 Days.

Meet Our Challengers. Watch their progress.

  • We have sixteen people who are doing the challenge to inspire others to get involved.  Check out their profiles here.
  • You can also follow their 40 day journey on our social media channels, on Ireland Classic Hits Radio and in The Irish Sun
  • From the 6th January watch weekly streamed episodes from our TV Series Episodes Page  where the experts meet the challengers.

VIP LogoThe 40 Day Health Challenge is brought to you by Vision Independent Productions (VIP) the production company behind the very popular RTÉ Operation Transformation series.

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